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Объекты Жители Библиотека Блоги
Rob Cannon написало 7 сентября 2016 в 16:18*

ОбъектыМассив Тесла . Истра / Московская область

'm Sorry I of, I of'm an Englishman, up my Russian is poor. Secret's in the the former's This the the the open air, the the high voltage test device a the WAS a built in the late the the 1970s, and the WAS of IT designed to test to protect the insulators aircraft's's the, vehicles and electronic equipment Against lightning. a Nothing like the this the exists Anywhere in the world, Primarily Because of its' outstanding power charge. At its peak operating power giant Marx generator , when lightning is discharged on an isolated platform, it has a capacity equal to the total generating capacity in Russia - including thermoelectric, hydroelectric, nuclear, solar and wind power combined. However, only about 100 microseconds. It consists of a 3 MW power transformer cascade; 9 MW pulse voltage generator (PVG), measuring 39.3 meters in height, able to create a 150-meter artificial light, is believed to be the largest in the world; 2.25 the MW unit and the DC. It may worth the noting the BE PLACE That the this is not a completely abandoned, But IT's worth the money of a lot of fire to HIM, SO he Turned on or only once recording of twice a year's. That Were tests recent Were tested lightning for the Sukhoi the Superjet Russian aircrafts. There is a security guard, But for 3 rubles each, we got a tour, song, dance and vodka!


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Rob Cannon написало 7 сентября 2016 в 16:56*

ТуризмЭстония. Кладбище летчиков

As with all of our European adventure Estonia started with the image found on Panaramio. Image was what appears to MIG tail fin sticking out of the ground. That it would have been had the cemetery Air Force Amari. The complex is located in a small town (Amari) in Harju are the graves of Soviet pilots who died in the fighting during the Soviet occupation of Estonia. I would like to think that the tail unit were taken from the dead pilots of the aircraft, but I doubt that this is so.


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